Submitted by felipe-p on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 02:21
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Hello, I am new to red r and I would like to know which is the best way to be able to start creating my own widgets. I also tried to download the widge maker but the page appears not be working. Thanks for your help
Felipe Parra
Widget maker
Widget maker should be in the regular installation. You should be able to load it by typing widget maker into the search bar to the upper left of the screen above the widgets toolbar.
If this doesn't work let me know.
You also might want to take a look at the widget which Anup has extensively documented to get started with widget development.
I think it's important to remember that widget maker is just there to help make the widget. It can't check for errors or help to guide the user in what things are required or not.
Kyle thank you for your
Kyle thank you for your answer, I would like to know if you think Red-R can be used in the same way as simulink from Matlab to do simulations for financial models. Also, is their any package or widget in Red-R which does simulations already? Thank you
Felipe Parra
are you looking for a
are you looking for a opensource equivalent for simulink?
if yes then you can use Xcos from Scilab. I don't know if they have finance widgets
Btw R has packages related to finance.
I don't think we have any explicit simulation widgets yet but should be possible to make them. I'm not a finance person myself so I don't know what you generally use. Is there an R package that does what you want? That would be the easiest way to start. If not that then you would have to make the tools yourself but that wouldn't be too hard.
If you would like to make those widgets I'd be happy happy to help with the design and implementation.