Submitted by Red-R Developme... on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 18:21
A collection of basic statiscical widgets. These allow for basic statistical tests such as t.test and anova. May also include some higher order statistical functions that are deemed to be of "General Use" such that most users will find them useful or at least interesting.
Widget | Description | |
Attributes |
Cluster Boot |
Correlation/Variance |
F Test |
Fast Discrete Fourier Transform |
Fisher Exact Test |
Generate Distributions |
Generic ANOVA |
Heirarchial Clustering |
Iterative Signature Algorithm |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov |
Kruskal |
Linear Model |
Pairwise T-Test |
Partial Least Squares Reg. |
Principal Component |
Spline Fit |
t.test |
Test For Correlation (Single) |
Wilcoxon Test |