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A collection of basic statiscical widgets. These allow for basic statistical tests such as t.test and anova. May also include some higher order statistical functions that are deemed to be of "General Use" such that most users will find them useful or at least interesting.

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Widget Description
Cluster Boot Clusterwise cluster stability assessment by resampling
Correlation/Variance Calculate correlation or variance for data. Comparisons can be made across two different matrices or input vectors depending on the connections.
F Test Performs an F test.
Fast Discrete Fourier Transform
Fisher Exact Test
Generate Distributions Generate a variety of distributions for data.
Generic ANOVA Performed ANOVA on any model or data received. This can result in errors if inappropriate models are supplied.
Heirarchial Clustering Performs a variety of clustering functions on a matrix of data. Data can be connected in the RDataFrame form but should contain only numeric data. If not then an error may be reported or the widget may not function as anticipated. Please see the R help for the function hclust or a statistics text on clustering for more information on different clustering methods.
Iterative Signature Algorithm Run ISA with the default parameters
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Kolmogorov-Smirnov test providing a comparison of a fitted distribution with the empirical distribution.
Kruskal Performs the Kruskal Walis test on data.
Linear Model Generates a linear model fit to data.
Pairwise T-Test This widget performs pairwise t-tests on the supplied samples. This is also effective at performing t-tests on two samples if supplied. Data should be supplied in the form of a two columned table with one column representing values and the other the groupings. Use of Melt DF and Column Selector may be helpful in transforming your data.
Partial Least Squares Reg. Beginning module for the pls package to generate a model fit.
Principal Component Calculates principal components for a numeric matrix.
Spline Fit Produces a spline fit of X/Y data.
t.test Performs a t-test.
Test For Correlation (Single) Perfors correlation analysis on two vectors. Displays R2, P, and other correlation summary stats.
Wilcoxon Test Performs the wilcoxon rank sum test on a set of data.