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Base functionality of Red-R. This functionality includes the base signal classes, base widgets, base gui widgets, common templates, etc. This package can not be deleted, only upgraded. Bases are considered stable within an official release, though bug fixes and updates may become available from time to time.

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Widget Description
Apply Apply a function across an matrix or array.
Column Matcher Generates a table that is identical to the input table but with a new column added that contains the names of a series of selected columns that is either the greatest of the selected columns or the least of the selected columns. This only works on numbers.
Convert To Table/Prop Table Converts a data table of factors to counts of the unique combinations of levels. For exampel if your data table consisted of rows representing observations of cars with columns indicating make, color, and year, this widget would return a list of counts for each make color year combination.
Create Valid Rows\Columns Make row and column names valid R names.
Dummy A special widget that takes the place of any widget that fails during session load.
Intersect This widget takes two vectors and performs a set intersect. Returns the set of element common to both.
List Selection View all the elements of a list and select one to send forward.
Load R Session
Math Perform basic math operations on columns of data.
Merge Merge two datasets
Percentile Classifier Appends a column to a data frame with the classifications of rows based on the values of a column being greater than some percentile.
R Datasets Search and import any example R dataset.
R Executor
R Variable Selection
Rank Returns the sample ranks of the values in a vector
Read Files Read data files into Red-R.
Remove NA Remove NAs from data
Reshape Data Reshapes a data frame to one that may be more conducive to Red-R widgets.
Row Filtering Filter data by column criteria.
Row or Column Binding Row bind data
Row or Column Names Return Rownames
Row or Column Selection
save Save data to file
Score Scores samples based on a scoring matrix. First merges the data by the row names and extracts only those row names that are in the scoring matrix. Also any NA values are removed prior to scoring. Several scoring options are available and include; multiplication (values are multiplied and summed to generate a score for every sample for every level of the scoring matrix), correlation (identical to correlation / variance widget).
Set Operations Perform base set operations:union, intersect, difference, and equality
Sort Sorts data by multiple columns.
String Split Split strings by some function or string from a vector or list selection (works on data tables too).
Subset Subset a dataset by values from another dataset.
Subset Summary Very similar to summary except that this function first splits a data table into multiple tables based on the levels of a factor(s) and then performs the summary function on each resulting data table.
Summary Output a summary of the data
Table Normalization Performs normalization and background correction on tables.
View Data Table Shows data in a spreadsheet.
View Pyton Dict View items of the python structured Dict class
View R Output
Widget Maker