1, the stat and base package in 881 are already new, so there is no updating and no crash.
2, the widgets do not updata themself automicly. when i change little bit the code, then i have to click the new icon, create a new widgets and test them again.
this solve the problems in my last test notes5. it is my misunderstanding
so now all my small widgets funtioning correctly. i think i can make my first red r package ready this month.
So when you say crashed you don't mean a system like crash where you get a message that Red-R and python have stopped working. Instead do you see a message that there was something wrong with the schema or a Dummy widget in place of a widget that you were working on?
The dummy widget and the message about connections are actually normal behavior if a widget can't be found. If you share schemas with people who don't have your widgets they will see this all the time.
This should not be interpreted as a crash. I don't know how to change the language in the message boxes so that people don't interpret loading failures as crashes.
When one updates a package the directory is replaced entirely with the new one. Any new files that were added will be removed. That's why it is emparative that before making a package you make a copy of blank to put your new package files into.
Hopefully this helps with the problem, thanks for discussing it here. We were all worried that there was something wrong with the internals that was causing a system crash.
hi i think i know some how about the crush after i read your email from last saturday.
i copy my own widges.py file into the base\widgets folder.
anup give me a .zip file so later i copy my .py files in to blank\widgets to generate the .rpy file. then when i updating the base folder, it not crash.
i am not sure about the read and write access, i will try it tonight at my home pc, where i have the full rights.
Submitted by anupparikh on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 13:41.
What version of windows are you using? It may be a permissions problem on the Red-R/libraries dir. Do you have full read/write access for users?
That's great!!!
hi, Kyle,
here is the updating news.
all of them are good news :)
1, the stat and base package in 881 are already new, so there is no updating and no crash.
2, the widgets do not updata themself automicly. when i change little bit the code, then i have to click the new icon, create a new widgets and test them again.
this solve the problems in my last test notes5. it is my misunderstanding
so now all my small widgets funtioning correctly. i think i can make my first red r package ready this month.
no the operate system do not crash. but the software crushed down.
there is no warning, no message. the software it self just dispeared.
i have seen the warning message when load widges fail, it is already there.
btw, my version is 1.75 864 not 881
and today i have tried it last time,
the base package is succesfully installed, no crush. i guess the blank.zip file from anup works.
but after i updata the stat package it dispeared again from the widgets toolbar.
i also go to K:\Programme\Red-R\Red-R-1.75\libraries\stats, where the package folder is.
it is empty. so i guess the stat package delete the old one but fail in intalling itself.
today i will full deinstall red r and python, and reinstall all of them
and then reinstall 881 to see if it works.
So when you say crashed you don't mean a system like crash where you get a message that Red-R and python have stopped working. Instead do you see a message that there was something wrong with the schema or a Dummy widget in place of a widget that you were working on?
The dummy widget and the message about connections are actually normal behavior if a widget can't be found. If you share schemas with people who don't have your widgets they will see this all the time.
This should not be interpreted as a crash. I don't know how to change the language in the message boxes so that people don't interpret loading failures as crashes.
When one updates a package the directory is replaced entirely with the new one. Any new files that were added will be removed. That's why it is emparative that before making a package you make a copy of blank to put your new package files into.
Hopefully this helps with the problem, thanks for discussing it here. We were all worried that there was something wrong with the internals that was causing a system crash.
hi i think i know some how about the crush after i read your email from last saturday.
i copy my own widges.py file into the base\widgets folder.
anup give me a .zip file so later i copy my .py files in to blank\widgets to generate the .rpy file. then when i updating the base folder, it not crash.
i am not sure about the read and write access, i will try it tonight at my home pc, where i have the full rights.
What version of windows are you using? It may be a permissions problem on the Red-R/libraries dir. Do you have full read/write access for users?
That's really strange.
What were you doing before the crash?
Did you install stats from the repository? Try reinstalling from the repository to see if this fixes it.
Are the rest of the packages there?