Hi Red-R enthusiasts,
I've been working in the development of two Red-R packages lately: Ecology and Meta-Analysis.
Ecology is based upon the book "Numerical Ecology with R", by Borcard et al. (2011)*. The package does not intend to reproduce every function presented in the book. But almost all! It is not completed yet, but worth having a look to its 14 widgets, namely dissimilarity and standardization computations, hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering with some diagnostic tools (like silhouette and fusion level plots), as well as unconstrained ordination operations: principal component analysis (with extra features), discriminant analysis and principal coordinate analysis.
The Meta-analysis package contains only two - but huge - widgets: Meta-analysis to compute the meta-analysis itself and Forest plot to provide a graphical representation of it.
I admit that both packages are poorly documented yet. The documentation will follow more stable releases. Please give it a try and tell me what you think!
S.-É. Parent
Université Laval
Québec (Canada)
* Bocard, D., Gillet, F. and Legendre, P. (2011). Numerical Ecology with R. Springer (306 pages).